Dec 5, 2022
No business, non-profit, company, or organization can sustain itself without net profits. And I don't know many leaders who would hold a lighter to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, or throw that cash in the trash. Yet, so many allow that level of loss to slip away due to inefficiencies, disorganization,...
Nov 28, 2022
Boosting morale and employee engagement are evergreen issues smart leaders stay in tune with. Of all the leadership actions that work, this one jewel could make one of your biggest impacts. Brief "Go Gang Go meetings boost morale, increase employee engagement, and strengthens team bonds. If you wonder whether something...
Nov 21, 2022
Too often, we take our personal brand (otherwise known as our reputation or how others view us), for granted. But when we are intentional, consistent, and laser-focused on what we project, we can reach greater heights. When I say, "We all lead someone, the question is, are we leading well? Exceptionally well?" Our...
Oct 31, 2022
Stephanie Pavlantos brings a different leadership perspective as she delves into the spiritual. As a homeschool mom and teacher, community advocate, and a leader influencing the minds of tomorrow, she focuses on how our actions shape the behaviors of others.
Discover more about Anita and...
Oct 24, 2022
Markus Neukom is a leadership consultant who works across the globe. Listen in to his conversation with business coach, Anita Brooks, as they discuss mediocre management versus exceptional leadership. The difference is real--and the results prove why it's important to exercise...